Haqqman Agency Referral Program Partner

May 6, 2019
In the world today, more than 65% of new sales and services rendered come from direct or indirect referrals. This effective traditional form of marketing has been linked as a direct contributor to two thirds of an average business profit margin growth.

Haqqman Referral Program is our strategic way of maximizing the oldest marketing trick in the book, “The Word of Mouth” to garner new clients, with the help of Haqqman Referral Program Partners, allowing us to boost brand awareness.

As a client of Haqqman Agency or Referral Program Partner, you’re encouraged to talk, share information and promote our services, products, and the value we bring to you as much as you can to people, businesses and organizations you are acquainted with. This can be in the context of talking, calling, texts, emails, social media posts or any other functional medium.

Below are few Haqqman services that you can recommend;

  • Web development (domain, hosting, design and maintenance)
  • Branding (graphics and printing)
  • Seapane (Simple eCommerce Application) 


The Haqqman Referral Program gives you the opportunity to help grow businesses by leveraging Haqqman Agency Services, but that’s not all, there’s something in it for you like;

  • You earn commissions for every referral
  • Your efforts are rewarded; there’s no limit, the more you work, the more you earn
  • You build your marketing skills and self confidence
  • You don’t need experience, only motivation, enthusiasm and passion
  • You help businesses reach their full potential

How do you sign up?

Now that you’re interested in embarking on this journey with us, these are the next steps

  • Fill out the form
  • A referral partner certificate will be sent to you via email once you meet our criteria
  • A 5% fee payment of the total sale is paid to you via your preferred payment method specified, after your referred client pays for the project
  • Cool, you’re ready to hit the road!

Omawumi Eyekpimi

A content writer, curator, digital marketer, community developer, WordPress website designer and mobile app developer. I’m currently curating content and building awesomeness for Da-Manager Ltd

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